Wolves' Body Language

September 19, 2019 3 min read 1 Comment

Wolves' Body Language

Did you know that wolves are very good when it comes to communicating using their body language? They will tell you a lot about where they fall in the pack’s social hierarchy as well as where they stand compared to the alpha male. They mark their territory by leaving scent marks. In some locations, the area covered by a wolf pack can reach up to 35 kilometers so they want to be sure that other packs wouldn’t come around for they are very territorial.

They invite other wolves to take part in sharing space with them when they roll around and rub their scent on the ground. They give the message to that particular wolf that they are friendly and welcoming and they mean no harm. It is very important for individual survival for a pack to understand the mood of the other wolves.

You can actually be in an area where there are wolves close by but you do not realize it because wouldn’t hear them. Many wolf experts say that using body language allows wolves to communicate better than howling in which we are familiar with. You will instantly notice a change in the body of a wolf when it feels threatened. Their eyes are opened widely and their tails straight up. Their ears will boldly raise and they will stiff their legs in a manner where they indicate that they are ready to defend themselves at any cost.

Even pups have ways to tell adult if there is something wrong by using body language. An example is when the pup nips on its mouth which only means that they are hungry. As soon as the adult see the pups nipping their mouth, they quickly bring up meat from other wolves in the pack. Another example is when pups rub their bodies and leave scents on older wolves. This is actually an affectionate indication and their way in showing that they are content within the pack. It implies that they have been well cared for and well looked after. Pups are very similar to children. Isn’t it when a child adores and loves you they give you hugs and kisses?

Pups also play with the adult wolves. You will observe that they roll around and wrestle, bite gently, lay on their backs and use their paws in wrestling. It is a way for adult wolves to train their pups to learn self defense and help them get stronger. During such play, the pup may test and push the limits of the adult. The adult will then make a body language that will indicate that the pup has gone too far and it has to stop playing around. For if the adult wolf wouldn’t do this, the pup will continue pushing the limits.

When there are disputes within a wolf pack, the alpha may have to demonstrate to the lower ranking wolf who is in charge. This low ranking wolf will rethink its position and lie low as a way of apologizing to the alpha and the pack. But it is very rare that there would be fights within packs. Have you realized that wolf packs are very identical to a family’s household? Remember and keep in mind that apologizing and putting down our pride wouldn’t hurt rather it will serve as a way to fix disputes and conflicts amongst us.

1 Response

Amber Simon
Amber Simon

October 01, 2019

How amazing are the wolves. Such discipline, loyalty and family protection and caring within the pack. They are truly amazing and so much to admire and learn for humans beings and we should treat each other. I just love, appreciate and admire wolves for their beauty and the balance they bring to nature. So many humans have destroyed and the contaminated our forests and water ways around the earth that our wildlife has suffered from, and the wolves even balance out the weaker wildlife in Some Cases that are affected by our mistakes. Such amazing creatures from God. All created to serve in different ways to balance out the earth.

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