Why Do Wolves Howl?

August 05, 2019 2 min read 3 Comments

Why Do Wolves Howl?

Why do wolves howl? According to experts, it is their way of communicating. When a wolf gets separated from its pack, a wolf howls to inform his or her pack members where he or she is.

A wolf’s howl is also a way of informing other packs to not get too close to their respective pack's territory. A wolf’s howl is very simple, yet the other wolf’s surrounding it can easily understand what the howl means. They understand if it’s a distress signal, a call for help, a warning or just a reminder that their pack mate is out their guarding their territory and that everything is safe.

Again, it’s very simple yet exquisite. If only communicating with humans were as simple as howling like a wolf's right? We humans possess so many words to explain and express ourselves yet most of the time these words cause strife and misunderstandings between us, between our family, our pack.

We drown in words when we need to say please help me or don’t leave me alone. Sometimes our inability to say these words causes problems. We say no even when we want to say yes; We stay silent when deep inside we want to shout out to the world and say what is on our mind.

Sometimes I envy wolves, with their ability to understand each other without even having to say or do so much. We are called the superior species, the ones on top of the food chain, and yet the simple lives these majestic animals live is something to be envied.

They do not have the technology, or words; they don’t walk on two legs, yet they are freer than most of us are in our daily lives. They survive on instinct and their knowledge of how the world works. They feed each other, protect each other, watch out for each other, while some of us can’t even be bothered to help someone expecting nothing in return.

They love blindly and loyalty is not even something they need to earn from each other; fact of the matter is its just there. Ready to be given to anyone who is a part of their pack.

I know it sounds idealistic, but it is how they are. It is how they have survived and evolved for thousands of years in this ever-changing world.

Yes, there is a lot to be desired when comparing humans to wolves. It’s not that simple to just give all this up, technology, the ease of being human, but what I’m re trying to say is we can learn a lot from these wolves.

Just because they are the so called lower species does not mean that we can completely disregard their way of life. If we communicate and directly by putting aside our pride and ego just like how these animals do, then the world would be a better place for everyone.


Written by James Miranda


3 Responses

Wolf Kalemba
Wolf Kalemba

August 09, 2019

Our life was just as simple as the wolf’s when we were babies but as we grew up and started to learn more about the technology available thing’s changed and lost the Wolves way. Too Bad For Us.

Florence Wood
Florence Wood

August 09, 2019

I use to believe that when Wolves howl
It was a sign of death.
Now I Absolutely love the song they sing.

Florence Wood
Florence Wood

August 12, 2019

I use to believe that when Wolves howl
It was a sign of death.
Now I Absolutely love the song they sing.

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